Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Day 1: Creation

"So God crated man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created them." Genesis 1:27

Main Character:  God
Scripture:  Genesis 1:1 - 2:3
Symbol:  Dove

Have you ever tried to build a gingerbread house?  Every year around this time the Grove Park Inn located in Asheville, NC invites competitors from all over the country to enter specatular gingerbread houses, no gingerbread mansions, into their annual competition.  They have even been featured on the Food Network. 

This competition is so inspiring that last year I decided we should make one at home...with our 14 month old.  I had visions of a perfectly square gingerbread cottage that would be held together with sumptous royal icing and covered with sparkling gumdrops and candy canes.  Let me just tell you, it was a disaster.  I could not grasp why the sides would not stand up straight, why Brady could not put the candy right where it was "supposed to go," and why there was icing EVERYWHERE.

As I read the creation story in preparation for today's lesson, I immediately thought of my gingerbread nightmare.  No matter how hard I tried, my creation would never be competition worthy.  Fortunately, when God created the heavens and the earth He was much more in control.  Every piece of creation was perfectly made, especially the first man and woman.  They were pure and carefree, not unlike a dove.  This symbol reminds us that God created man to live with him and to share the beauty of all else that had been created.

Ponder Points:
  • What is the most beautiful thing that you have ever seen in nature?  Why do you like this thing so much?
    • Have fun with this question!  Try to encourage your children to appreciate the beauty of God's creation and the hard work that went into making things so intricate.
  • Why did God make the first man and woman?
    • Discuss how God created them to share in the beauty of creation with Him.
  • Brainstorm ways you can take time to appreciate the things around you more this week.  Pick an idea and carry it out.

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