"He took him (Abraham) outside and said, 'Look up at the heavens and count the stars -- if indeed you an count them.' Then He said to him, 'So shall your offspring be.'" Genesis 15:5Main Character: Abraham
Scripture: Genesis 12:1-7, Genesis 15:1-6
Symbol: Field of Stars
Do you know that it is estimated that a septillion snowflakes fall to the earth each year? Yes, that is one followed by 24 zeros for you non-math geeks! Interestingly enough, some scientists also believe this could be close to the number of stars at any given time in our galaxy. Isn't it amazing the way God works in creation!
This morning we received a rare gift in North Carolina - it started snowing. Not only is it snowing, but it is actually sticking to the ground. It is as if were are all being told, "Christmas is here! Get excited!" I can only imagine the wonder that Abraham was feeling as God was giving him a similar sign. Abraham (also known as Abram) was living in a pretty difficult period of time where godlessness abounded. In his personal life, he dealt with the stress of having a wife who was barren. Yet, God called this unlikely man to become the "founding father" of His greatest generation.
God made a promise to Abraham that He would give him and his wife Sarah (Sarai) the gift of a natural born son. This would be the start of a family tree so great that it would outnumber the stars in the sky. Imagine the old man staring up in wonderment at the clear, starry sky. It's important to note that like most of us, Abraham and Sarah let their excitement turn to impatience. Sarah went so far as to tell Abraham to have a child with one of her servants - and so Ishmael was born. This led to conflict and jealousy between the two women. It would take a full 13 more years before Abraham (now 99 years old) and Sarah would become the parents of Isaac. This would be the line of descendants that would bring us to Jesus.
Ponder Points:
- With your younger children, discuss the concept of how strange it would seem to Abraham to learn he would have numerous descendants. Can they think of something too big to count? Maybe sand on the beach or cars in the crowded parking lots. :)
- What promise did God make to Abraham? How was it fulfilled?
- What promises do you feel God has made to you and your family? What's it like to wait for that promise to come true? Do you trust God or do you try to make things happen on your own?
- This lesson provides a good opportunity to talk about praying for God's direction with your children. Maybe try praying for something specific with your children at bedtime tonight.
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