Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8: God's Leadership

"So now, go.  I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt."  Exodus 3:10

Main Character:  Moses
Scripture:  Exodus 2:1-4:20
Symbol:  Burning Bush

What would you picture if someone asked you to describe the leader of the free world?  If you are like me, you would jump to the traditional image of the President of the United States - tall, handsome, former athlete, rich, articulate, from a political power family, male, and caucasion.

In our scripture passage today, we once again witness God calling someone unexpected into leadership.  Moses was born to a Hebrew woman out of the tribe of Levi.  At the time, the Hebrews were the lowest class.  In fact, many babies were killed instantly by the Egyptians.  Moses was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter and was raised as her own.  As he grew older, he killed an Egyptian he witnessed beating a fellow Hebrew man.  We also need to remember that he had some type of speech impediment.

Now let's compare Moses to my list above.  No particularly tall or handsome.  Not a former athlete, although he does have some wealth and power being the adopted son of Pharaoh's daughter.  But, he did just commit murder and is now wanted by the Pharaoh to pay for his crime.  He is male but is definitely not from the predominant racial group.

Moses is then called by God to lead all of the Israelites out of slavery into the Promised Land.  Moses himself can hardly believe what he is hearing.  He questions God several times about whether or not he is really the one.  God reassures Moses by encouraging him to bring Aaron along as his right hand man.  Once again, we see God providing for the one He has called.

Ponder Points:
  • Ask your children to describe their version of a popular person.  What characteristics does that person possess?
  • How does this compare with Moses?  What characteristics did Moses posess that made him valuable to God?
  • Tell your children what characteristics you observe in them that would make them good leaders in the kingdom of God.  Encourage, encourage, encourage!

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